Thursday, December 08, 2005

Dave Barber is an ass

Dave Barber is on a rant about Angie Hendershot again. It's not enough to try to embarrass her by posting her high school pics on his web site. It's not enough to continually harass her on his
radio show. After saying on his show that he never talks bad about her, only says complimentary things, he writes a column in the local alternative paper totally ridiculing her. It's a shame he can't grow up just a little. The junior high school antics get old and tiresome. It's a shame he can only feel important by belittling others.


Blogger Kevin McKague said...

Yeah, Barber is a bit of an oddball.
The column you link to is very odd, too. He spends about 3/4 of it complaining about the name some local anchor chose for her child, and about one discussing an interview with Michael Moore.

Now, I know you probably don't like Mike, but I think you too can appreciate the lopsided nature of the article. Even those who don't like Mike might want to know more about the interview than "Mike lost about 50 pounds". I think a lot of people might have been interested in the interview, and maybe even some inside tidbits about what happened behind the scenes.
Who cares about Angie Hendershot's name change and the name of her baby?
I get the same impression from his column as I get from his radio show, that he really doesn't have much to say, and that he's just killing time until the commercial break.

8:26 PM


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