Sunday, December 11, 2005

Media bias?

Bruce Willis goes on "Rita Cosby Live & Direct" on MSNBC November 10, 2005 and offers a cool million to any civilian (military aren't allowed to accept reward for doing their job) with infomation leading to the capture of Osama bin Laden, Zawahiri or al-Zarqawi. Isn't that newsworthy? I searched and and came up with nada. Whose side are they on? And I could live with neither...but that's not the case.

Where is the ACLU?

Howard Weyers fires employees who smoke....after the privacy of their own home. He claims "smokers run up higher medical costs and are less healthy in general." Last I knew, smoking cigarettes in your own home wasn't illegal. Nor do I believe it affects your ability to do a job. What about people who are lazy and don't exercise? obese? have a family history of heart disease or high cholesterol or any other inherited health risk? Aren't they also "less healthy in general?" And if there are "20 states that allow employers to fire anyone as long as they don't violate discrimination laws for things like age, gender, race or disabilities" what's to stop an employer from firing someone because they're ugly? Or have different political beliefs? I'f I'm a Libertarian and I own a business, can I fire an employee for being a Democrat? I bet the American Criminal Liberties Union would be all over that one.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Dave Barber is an ass

Dave Barber is on a rant about Angie Hendershot again. It's not enough to try to embarrass her by posting her high school pics on his web site. It's not enough to continually harass her on his
radio show. After saying on his show that he never talks bad about her, only says complimentary things, he writes a column in the local alternative paper totally ridiculing her. It's a shame he can't grow up just a little. The junior high school antics get old and tiresome. It's a shame he can only feel important by belittling others.

Who will pay for this?

When will the politicians stop making promises we can't afford to keep? The Flint Journal
says the health care obligation for Genesee County retirees is $179 million and they've set aside $19 million to cover it. The total annual budget is less than $100 million.